
Showing posts from December, 2020

Why do metals shine?

Why do metals shine? This was the most fascinating question when I was very young.And I would like to give answer in one line i.e. Due to a phenomena related to Photoelectric effect ,which occurs in metals. {  What is Photoelectric effect? It is a natural phenomena which occurs in metals when light (beam of photons having a particular energy required to knock of electron) strikes a metal it creates ejection of electron or energy is reflected as (once electron received some energy which is less than work function of metal it just gets excites not ionise and when it returns to its original state it emits photons) What is work function? It is a specific value(different for all metals) of energy above which the electron gets ionise if it will be hit with photon of energy > work function of metal }

Free Science and Technology Quiz

 Link of Quiz:

SpaceTime: A saga of unknown dimension

  The fabric of space-time is a conceptual model combining the three dimensions of space with the fourth dimension of time. According to the best of current physical theories, space-time explains the unusual relativistic effects that arise from traveling near the  s peed of light  as well as the motion of massive objects in the universe.  This mind-boggling theory was given by Albert Einstein.Sometimes I think this theory as just pure work of fiction, but after LIGO i.e. after discovery of gravitational waves i feel that this is true and in reality there exist a imaginary space and time fabric which unites 4th dimension of time with 3 dimensions of space. Quick Fact:Albert Einstein never got nobel prize for his work with relativity and space-time.             He got nobel prize in physics for his work with photoelectric effect           

Cloud Straw : A way to equalise rain water

 There is a huge crisis ,when there is excess rain in some region and there is not a single drop of rain in another region. To equalise this : I thought of an idea to make huge (tall) towers which suck air from clouds ,which are dense with water droplets, and pump it deep inside ground where due to earthen coolness it should get co dense and charge ground water this will reduce the size of cloud and there by prevent floods which could damage public property and agriculture.And the excess ground water could be transported to drought prone regions through canal network. 

Something About LIGO(Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory)

LIGO is the world's largest gravitational wave observatory. It consists of two detectors.   Each L-shaped facility has two arms positioned at right angles to each other . Lasers are beamed down each arm and bounced back by mirrors, essentially acting as a ruler for the arm. Sensitive detectors can tell if the length of the arms of a LIGO detector varies by as little as 1/10,000 the width of a proton, representing the incredibly small scale of the effects imparted by passing gravitational waves. LIGO has two observatories to act as a check on the other to rule out that a potential gravitational-wave signal detection is not due to a local, terrestrial disturbance; both facilities will detect a true gravitational wave moving at the speed of light nearly simultaneously. Although the twin LIGO facilities act as a single observatory, they are not designed for "observing" in the conventional sense. Instead of eyes, the facilities can be thought more of as "ears" listen...

When will flow of time freeze?

This question is one of the most thought of question for every person on this earth, that when will time freeze or rather the flow of time. Time can't be stoped or reversed in real sense but if we think about how is time defined (with help of light) there are 2 ways in broadersenset to get free from time boundedness.     Actually time or rather a second is defined with help of absolute speed of light.So to get out of the boundedness we need to make light stable from our reference point. METHOD 1: Start running with speed of light which will make you relatively at rest with respect to light so you get free from boundedness of time METHOD 2:Reach at absolute zero temperature, so that photon would get freeze/stationery which would indeed make you and light at rest therefore free from  time boundedness. Indeed the above two methods are completely hypothetical and almost impossible to perform, at least with current technology.