It's Certainly...Uncertain ! ~ Heisenberg
Werner Heisenberg proposed that it is not practically possible to predict the position of particle and its speed simultaneously with high precession. This principle is applicable to almost every particle but only of any significance for fast moving particles. The uncertainty of the product of position and momentum is represented by an inequality. This principle is now widely accepted in quantum mechanics. The mathematical derivations and wave model are very complex and requires higher understanding of physics and mathematics. But roughly we can assume that we are trying to calculate the momentum and position of some particle in quantum space. Assume we sent a photon(light to observe it), the photon which we sent would have energy(significant amount of energy: for quantum particle to be observed), this photon will give us its position but in turn the energy supplied to that particle will change it's momentum(Speed as p=mv: KE=1/2mv^2) thus additional energy would increase the ...